Volume 4, January 2004
ISSN 1462-236X
This journal presents a series of mainly industrial case studies derived from presentations made at a series of NAFEMS' seminars, and specially invited contributions.
A de Souza | pp. 7-13 |
A Methodology for Industrial CFD J Shaikh | pp. 15-25 |
CFD Validation for External Aerodynamics Part 1: Validating Component Analysis R Lewis and P Postle | pp. 27-37 |
CFD Validation for External Aerodynamics Part 2: Full Car Validation R Lewis and P Postle | pp. 39-50 |
A Validation Strategy For The CFD Modelling Of Coal-Fired Equipment A.S Green and M.L. Waite | pp. 51-62 |
Each of these case studies has been reviewed by members of the CFD working group to ensure that the paper includes:
Any Journal is only as good as the papers it publishes, so the Journal needs contributors who see the importance and benefit of having their work published and used by fellow engineers. Engineers are by nature supportive of colleagues, and authoring a case study paper for the Journal gives senior engineers an opportunity to pass on their hard won knowledge and experience, and in some sense “set the standard” of practice in the field. The Journal publishes CFD case study papers, i.e. investigations, simulations and validation exercises in accordance with CFD best practice guidelines. Original papers covering either traditional CFD, multi-phase flows, combustion and topics such as parallel computing, immersed boundary methods, DNS, LES, FSI, LBM, DEM, etc. are welcomed, book reviews and letters to the Editor are also acceptable.
Potential contributors are welcome to contact the editor, Professor Don McGlinchey at cfd.journal@nafems.org to discuss any aspect of the Journal and the process, from authoring to review to publication. Further details are available here.
Reference | CFDJ4 |
Author | Green. A |
Language | English |
Audience | Analyst |
Type | Journal |
Date | 1st January 2004 |
Region | Global |
Order Ref | CFDJ4 Book |
Member Price | £17.50 | $22.60 | €20.82 |
Non-member Price | £52.50 | $67.79 | €62.44 |
Order Ref | CFDJ4 Download |
Member Price | £17.50 | $22.60 | €20.82 |
Non-member Price | £52.50 | $67.79 | €62.44 |
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