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Numerical Simulation of Coolant Mixing at the ROCOM Test Facility with CFX-4 and CFX-5 based on Complex Meshes

NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies

Volume 5, January 2006

ISSN 1462-236X

Numerical Simulation of Coolant Mixing at the ROCOM Test Facility with CFX-4 and CFX-5 based on Complex Meshes

T. Höhne
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf (FZR), Institute of Safety Research, P.O. Box 510119 D - 01314 Dresden, Germany

Keywords: Boron Dilution, CFD, Pressurised Water Reactor and Coolant Mixing



The work was aimed at the numerical simulation of coolant mixing in the downcomer and the lower plenum of the Rossendorf test facility ROCOM. ROCOM is a 1:5 scale Plexiglas model of a German pressurised water reactor allowing conductivity measurements by wire mesh sensors and velocity measurements by LDA technique. The CFD calculations were carried out with the CFD-codes CFX-4 and CFX-5. In the case of stationary mixing, the maximum value of the averaged mixing scalar at the core inlet was found in the sector below the inlet nozzle, where the tracer was injected. The comparison of a very detailed mesh (CFX-5) and a mesh with simplifications and additional physical models (CFX-4) showed that, in the referred case, the use of these models is allowed. For turbulent flows CFX-4 and CFX-5 were validated in accordance with the Best Practice Guidelines and can be used in the reactor safety analysis. A better description of the mixing processes inside the RPV is the basis of a more realistic safety assessment.


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Cite this paper

T. Höhne, Numerical Simulation of Coolant Mixing at the ROCOM Test Facility with CFX-4 and CFX-5 based on Complex Meshes, NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 5, 2006, Pages 31-40,

Document Details

AuthorHöhne. T
TypeJournal Article
Date 2nd January 2006
OrganisationForschungszentrum Rossendorf


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