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Numerical Simulation of Coupled Fluid-Solid Problems: State of the Art and Applications

NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies

Volume 5, January 2006

ISSN 1462-236X

Numerical Simulation of Coupled Fluid-Solid Problems: State of the Art and Applications

Michael Schäfer
Fachgebiet Numerische Berechnungsverfahren im Maschinenbau Technische Universität Darmstadt Petersenstr. 30, D-64287 Darmstadt, Germany

Keywords: Numerical Simulation, Coupled Fluid-Solid, Continuum Mechanical Framework, Discretization and Coupled Mechanisms



The paper gives a survey on relevant topics related to the numerical simulation of coupled fluid-solid problems. Firstly, the corresponding problems are classified according to different possible coupling mechanisms. The modelling of the problems within a continuum mechanical framework are discussed and numerical aspects related to discretization and solution procedures are addressed. Exemplary approaches for these issues are indicated. A variety of numerical examples involving various coupling mechanisms are presented, including a discussion of questions of numerical accuracy and computational efficiency of numerical solution procedures.


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Cite this paper

Michael Schäfer, Numerical Simulation of Coupled Fluid-Solid Problems: State of the Art and Applications, NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 5, 2006, Pages 75-95,

Document Details

AuthorSchäfer. M
TypeJournal Article
Date 2nd January 2006
OrganisationTechnische Universität Darmstadt


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