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A Weak Compressible Flow Solution for Fluid and Air-Borne Acoustics Coupled Problems in a Nonlinear System

NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies

Volume 7, January 2008

ISSN 1462-236X

A Weak Compressible Flow Solution for Fluid and Air-Borne Acoustics Coupled Problems in a Nonlinear System

M. Zhu, A. Tabbal, M. Megahed, G. Pierrot and P. Ravier
ESI Group, Rungis, France

Keywords: Aero-Acoustics, Fluid Induced Noise Source, Weak Compressibility, Low Mach Flow, Air-Borne Acoustic Wave Propagation and Sound Pressure Level (SPL)



This paper presents the implementation and validation of a numerical simulation method that takes into account the air-borne acoustic wave propagation within the turbulent flow solution at low Mach numbers. The method is called weak compressibility, and is used in order to cope with fully coupled aero-acoustics problem in a nonlinear system. The weak compressibility was implemented into an explicit incompressible flow solver using an edgebased finite element method.
A single 3D cavity case was used to validate the method in comparison with the experiment. The simulated results showed good agreement with the experimental data with regards to the acoustic pressure and frequency for the dominant peak of the sound pressure level (SPL) spectra over a wide speed range from 15 to 55 meters per second.


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Cite this paper

M. Zhu, A. Tabbal, M. Megahed, G. Pierrot, P. Ravier, A Weak Compressible Flow Solution for Fluid and Air-Borne Acoustics Coupled Problems in a Nonlinear System, NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 7, 2008, Pages 47-56,

Document Details

AuthorsZhu. M Tabbal. A Megahed. M Pierrot. G Ravier. P
TypeJournal Article
Date 8th January 2008
OrganisationESI Group


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