This non-linear Finite Element course is intended for delegates interested in learning how finite elements are used to analyse advanced non-linear problems, difficulties encountered in modelling real-life applications and guidelines for using non-linear finite element technology.
The objectives of this Finite Element course are:
A brief overview of linear Finite Element formulation, numerical algorithms, etc. to provide a foundation for the non-linear formulation.
Classifications of non-linear problems, Comparison of linear and non-linear finite element analysis, Non-linear algorithms and procedures, Difficulties in modelling non-linear problems.
Basic plasticity theory, Uniaxial and multi-axial plasticity, Work hardening and cycle loading, finite element treatment of plasticity, Solution strategy and accuracy, Discussion of typical practical plasticity applications.
Basic theory of creep, uniaxial and multiaxial creep therory, time and strain hardening, Explicit and implicit time integrations, Discussion of typical practical creep applications.
Basic theory of contact mechanics, classification of contact configurations, Hertzian and non-Hertzian contact problems, finite element contact algorithms, Penalty methods and Lagrange multipliers, Difficulties in modelling contact problems, Tips and guidelines, Discussion of practical contact problems.
Basic theory of geometric non-linearity, GNL stress-strain definitions, finite element algorithms for geometric non-linearities, buckling problems, Arc-length and line-search methods, Solution strategy and accuracy, Discussion of typical GNL problems.
A brief overview of fracture mechanics, fatigue analysis, thermo-mechnical problems, viscoelastic materials (polymers, plastics, rubbers), explicit finite element codes.
Reference | el_pinfea |
Authors | Becker. A Duffett. G |
Language | English |
Audience | Analyst |
Type | Training Course |
Date | 14th October 2024 |
Organisation | NAFEMS |
Region | Global |
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