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Lessons Identified from our Food and Drink Sector Modelling and Simulation Across the Lifecycle

Lessons Identified from our Food and Drink Sector Modelling and Simulation Across the Lifecycle

Mr Tom Elson & Mr Ali Hussain, Element Digital Engineering Ltd


Engineering challenges in the food industry are unique due to the variety of products and processes required to safely and successfully deliver food to the consumer. The complexity and the appetite for engineering-based analysis and simulation is growing fast and will continue to do so to access further positive benefits. Through the appropriate use of simulation, we can harness greater insight into the behaviours of food and drink during the production cycle to achieve the all-important cost, quality, integrity, taste, health (the list goes on) objectives. Element's presentation will explore the range of challenges and lessons identified when using simulation tools for food applications. From the multi-physics analysis of coffee machines which integrate both structural and fluid dynamics interactions, to the heat transfer of wafer books to improve cooling time and production rate; lessons have become evident to us. Lessons have even become apparent from the multiphase thermal analysis of cheese sauce, which is too tasty for us to not share. Element will talk to how simulation opens a window of insight into the various physics based challenges being experienced by the food industry. The ability of engineering analysis to cover the entire product lifecycle, including detailed design and integration as well as the production stages, is what makes digital engineering such a valuable asset to the food industry. We have identified lessons on our journey, but Element remain committed to learning many more within the Food and Drink industry.

Document Details

AuthorsElson. T Hussain. A
AudiencesAnalyst Manager
Date 27th September 2023
OrganisationElement Digital Engineering


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