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The Finite Integration Technique for Electromagnetics

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1.5 The Finite Integration Technique

by Jose Alves

The Finite Integration Technique (FIT) represents a coherent approach for the discrete representation of Maxwell's equations on spatial grids. FIT can be seen as an extension of the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method, employing the integral form of Maxwell's equations rather than the differential form. It also shares similarities with FEM in the time domain.

FIT operates by discretizing the integral form of Maxwell’s equations on a set of dual interlaced discretization grids. This process produces what are known as Maxwell’s Grid Equations (MGEs), which not only ensure the physical correctness of the computed fields but also guarantee a unique solution.

A primary advantage of FIT over FDTD and the Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) method is its greater flexibility in mesh types, as it is not confined to Cartesian grids. However, like FDTD, FIT requires enhancements to manage the computational demands associated with small details that necessitate fine meshes. Overall, the applicability of FIT is comparable to that of FDTD, offering a versatile tool in the analysis and simulation of electromagnetic fields.

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Document Details

AuthorsAlves. J
AudiencesAnalyst Student
TypeKnowledge Base
Date 16th May 2024

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