Over the last decades, technical complexity of numerical models has increased very significantly, from the generation of the geometry, including hundreds or thousands of bolts, rivets, fibers [1]..., following with the design of intricate high-quality meshes [2], definition of sophisticated boundary conditions [3], etc. In this regard, in the last two decades Python has emerged as one of the best scripting languages for Application Programming Interfaces (API) and is implemented in some of the most widespread FE packages available in the market (Abaqus, Ansys, Ansa, Salome-Meca, Comsol...). These Python APIs enable the automation of the whole pre-processing stage, what makes them especially suited to perform repetitive operations or to construct parameterized models. As a rough comparison, an FE model that is developed manually in a few hours, can be automatically generated in less than one minute.
Reference | nrc22-iberia |
Author | Herráez. M |
Language | English |
Type | Presentation |
Date | 6th October 2022 |
Organisation | TechnoDigital School |
Region | Global |
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