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Ultra Lightweight Components by Multiscale Topology Optimization of TPMS-Based Lattice Structures

The conference will provide a unique, independent, neutral, and comprehensive overview of the current state of art in the engineering simulation analysis.

  • Keynote presentations form: Aker Solutions, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy and Volvo Cars
  • Technical presentations from industry, research and academic
  • Workshops on PCB and Uncertainty Quantification (UQ)
  • Short courses in CFD
  • Hardware and software exhibition
  • Networking, exchange of experiences, discussions
  • Open for all, free for NAFEMS members (*)
  • NAFEMS, the independent international association for the engineering modelling, analysis and simulation community, held its Nordic conference from 25 - 26 October in Göteborg, Sweden.

    This two-day conference focused on existing best practices as well as state-of-the-art in FEA, CFD and associated technologies – ensuring delegates receive a fully comprehensive overview of the technology available to them. The conference increased awareness and provided a discussion forum for topics that are vital to engineering industrialists and academics, offering attendees an unrivalled combination of industrial knowledge, expertise and forward-thinking to aid their deployment of CAE over the next few years.

    The conference welcomed participation from every type of organisation – large and small, across all industry sectors. It was open to both, members and non-members of NAFEMS, with members able to attend the event for free towards using four seminar credits, as part of their membership benefits package.

    Thank you for your participation..

    Your NAFEMS Nordic Steering Committee

    Document Details

    AuthorStrömberg. N
    Date 25th October 2022


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