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The Use of CADfix to Process CAD Data for General Finite Element (FE) Pre-Processors

This paper on "The Use of CADfix to Process CAD Data for General Finite Element (FE) Pre-Processors" was presented at the NAFEMS World Congress on The Evolution of Product Simulation From Established Methods to Virtual Testing & Prototyping - 24-28 April 2001, The Grand Hotel, Lake Como, Italy.


Most FE pre-processors have the ability to import geometry from CAD systems but require it to be perfectly conditioned and in a specific and flavoured format so that it can be processed without any modifications. For this to be effective the CAD model has to be created with the FE pre-processor input format, meshing and analysis requirements in mind.
In most pre-processors the imported CAD geometry is frozen and can not be modified. Any problems found in either the geometry definition or transfer format have to be modified in the CAD system and the geometry re-imported.
Unfortunately CAD data may not always be available in the required format, the data may be incomplete or unsuitable for meshing and it may not be possible to modify the original CAD model.
This paper reviews the use of CADfix to process geometry from various CAD systems for import into general FE pre-processors and covers:

  • The import into CADfix of general CAD solids and assemblies via native (ACIS, CATIA, CADDS, Parasolid etc.), IGES and STEP interfaces.
  • The processing of imported geometry in CADfix for successful export to preprocessors. This includes geometry repair, the removal and merging of unwanted features and the addition of analysis features for loading, mesh control etc
  • The export of geometry from CADfix for import into the pre-processor in IGES, STEP and native formats.
  • The use of CADfix/CAE FE modelling facilities for import into the pre-processor as mesh data in ABAQUS, DYNAJD, FME Neutral, LSDYNA. LUSAS, MARC, NASTRAN, and PAFEC.

Document Details

AuthorIng. T
Date 24th April 2001


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