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Automated Component Modal Synthesis with Parallel Processing

This paper on "An Investigation into the Energy Absorption Characteristics of a Steering Wheel Armature Subjected to Impact Loading" was presented at the NAFEMS World Congress on The Evolution of Product Simulation From Established Methods to Virtual Testing & Prototyping - 24-28 April 2001, The Grand Hotel, Lake Como, Italy.


Component Modal Synthesis (CMS) has been a powerful tool for use in structural dynamics for several decades. In this paper we discuss the combination of CMS with automatic domain decomposition and parallel processing. This combination can greatly reduce the time and cost of vehicle NVH analysis. Large finite element models are automatically divided into hundreds of sub-models or superelements, which are then analyzed in parallel. Methods of improving the accuracy of the CMS are discussed. The method called Parallel Automated Component Modal Synthesis (PACMS) is implemented in the MSC.Nastran commercial finite element program. Performance and accuracy of the method are compared to the direct frequency response solution and the modal frequency response solutions using complete vehicle modes. Results are presented for a large automotive frequency response analysis with over one million degrees of freedom.

Document Details

AuthorsMurthy. P Poschmann. P Reymond. M Schartz. P Wilson. C
Date 24th April 2001


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