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The Importance of Topology Optimization in the Development Process

This paper on "The Importance of Topology Optimization in the Development Process" was presented at the NAFEMS World Congress on The Evolution of Product Simulation From Established Methods to Virtual Testing & Prototyping - 24-28 April 2001, The Grand Hotel, Lake Como, Italy.


Topology optimization which, until recently, has rarely been applied in practice is presently experiencing a real boom. Nowadays, a topology optimization module is an integral part of almost any FEM software and as a result many users are entering this field. Even if the practical application often involves more difficulty than described in the brochures, topology optimization is an effective tool with a very high optimization potential. In contrast to shape or sizing optimization, topology optimization helps to determine the optimized global features of a component like cross section or number and arrangement of ribs inside an open profile. It turns out that the largest portion of the improvement is mostly reached by using the results of topology optimization.
At Opel topology optimization has been practiced for seven years with the SKO (Soft Kill Option) and OptiStruct programs. To make use of the whole efficiency topology optimization has been integrated into the design process. Selected examples demonstrate how this improved process works in practice and which results can be obtained. Furthermore, we discuss the arising problems and extensions of the topology optimization to meet better the manufacturing requirements. The resulting program TopShape is presented and first applications are shown.

Document Details

AuthorsHarzheim. L Graf. G
Date 24th April 2001
OrganisationAdam Opel


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