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Behavior of the Human Humerus with Mechanical Devices of Internal Fixation: Analysis by FEM Simulation

This paper on "Behavior of the Human Humerus with Mechanical Devices of Internal Fixation: Analysis by FEM Simulation" was presented at the NAFEMS World Congress on The Evolution of Product Simulation From Established Methods to Virtual Testing & Prototyping - 24-28 April 2001, The Grand Hotel, Lake Como, Italy.


The work is oriented to study the behavior of the human humerus with fixation devices, with the aid of the computer. In the first place, the humerus of cadaver was obtained and it was come to cut in discs of 5 mm of thickness. Soon each disc was digitized to integrate each section graphically and to obtain a model in 3D. On the basis of the analysis of the mechanical properties of the human body, hypothetical cases of loads of compression and flexion were generated to introduce them in the computerized simulation with the aid of the software of finite elements Algor. The following step, that not yet we have finished it, is to make the simulation in the humerus of a patient, in this case the obtaining of the results will be in real time, because geometry would be obtained from tomographic images.

Document Details

AuthorsPaiba. L Henríquez. C Ojeda. C
Date 24th April 2001
OrganisationUniversity of Piura


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