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Democratization of Simulation Made Easy by “Low Code” Tools


Fast and robust automation to enable accelerated innovation and better product quality. In the face of growing global competition, manufacturers of all industries are required to develop new and improved products as quickly and economically as possible. At the same time, their products and systems are becoming increasingly complex. To meet these challenges, increased and efficient use of virtual tests/simulations in all development phases is a key factor for timely development of competitive products which perform as desired. Automated processes enabling designers to start dependable simulations whenever they need insight on the behavior of their new designs have shown to speed up product development. Unfortunately, usual ways to implement such automation can be exceedingly difficult and time consuming to create or maintain. For instance, commonly used scripting requires to consider future variations of geometry and a deep understanding of how to access and control all SW tools (CAD, simulation) involved. “Low Code” tools make it possible to achieve robust simulation automation, including simulation apps, quickly and easily. For example, the typically difficult automation of "CAD-to-solver" processes becomes straight forward through abstract modeling (AM) technology. AM integrates design and simulation worlds with highest reliability even for the most complex geometries. In addition, AM-automated simulations make it simple to understand and – if necessary – improve a chosen simulation strategy. Complementing abstract modeling-based pre-processing with a low code workflow manager allows efficient creation of end-to-end simulation process automation or simulation applications for flexible use by designers. Ideally, the workflow manager controls all required interactions between the engineering SW tools involved, but also enables flexible capabilities to build application specific user interfaces for parameter input and user feedback. Using structural and CFD simulation examples, this presentation will explain the concept of abstract modeling that enables faster and easier simulation automation. It will also be shown how AM in combination with workflow managers promotes "democratization" of simulation.

Document Details

AuthorPeters. K
Date 26th October 2021
OrganisationCrossover Solutions


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