Virtual Validation represents a strictly mandatory key solution concept for testing and approving complex automated vehicle systems. This approach is necessarily based on Modelling and Simulation (M&S) of the vehicle systems at hand for significantly reducing testing efforts, in terms of time and costs. As any simulation represents an approximation of the real-world-system quantification of M&S, quality is essential and is expressed by credibility, i.e. the quality to elicit belief or trust in M&S results. Simulation Governance and Management refers to a strictly top-down approach for ensuring fit-for-purpose simulation quality, starting from a simulation strategy, and is based on quality assessment for process, methodological and tooling levels. It is concerned with (a) selection and adoption of the best available simulation technology, (b) formulation of mathematical models, (c) management of experimental data, (d) data and solution verification procedures, and (e) revision of mathematical models in the light of new information collected from physical experiments and field measurements. For introduction of credible simulations initially the way simulations are used in automotive system development is pointed out. This contribution discusses quality assurance for virtual experiments, where simulation targets (test order) are tailored top- to low-level requirements of simulation artefacts. Therefore, a new Credible Simulation Process (CSP) is highlighted for streamlining system M&S, supplemented by a Credibility Assessment Framework (CAF) for quantification. For arguing quality a so called Credibility Argument is derived. A leading-edge application of this approach was conducted concerning the Automated Lane Keeping System (ALKS, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/81) approval proposal. Based on an Operational Design Domain (ODD, PAS 1883:2020) specification, the formal ALKS approval regulation and the vehicle model specification, requirements (e.g. reliability) are synthesized for ensuring fit-for-purpose simulation quality. Besides general traceability aspects, simulation quality arguments are finally provided via the goal structuring notation for assessor evaluations. The resulting continuum of purpose-driven and quality ensured simulation scenarios are vital for a scalable test coverage according to virtual validation test requirements – (outlook) which may also be used for triggering continuous integration and testing tool-chains subsequently.
Reference | NWC21-576-b |
Author | Benedikt. M |
Language | English |
Type | Presentation |
Date | 26th October 2021 |
Organisation | Virtual Vehicle Research |
Region | Global |
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