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Silver Sponsor Microsoft


15:30 ? 16:10 Microsoft sponsor presentation: Reduce simulation cost and increase productivity by leveraging Microsoft Azure HPC powered by AMD EPYC Design and deployment of HPC infrastructure is often constrained by physical resources, internal know-how and policies. That can be a challenge in the current era of new hardware architectures, programming paradigms and constantly changing simulation software. The cloud gives rise to a new paradigm for running industrial simulations. Instead of trying to fit the job into existing resources it is possible to adapt the architecture and compute resources to the simulation requirements. This not only gives more flexibility to the engineers, but it also encourages them to prioritize design space over limited resources and helps ensure performance portability. During this presentation we will demonstrate some performance and scalability examples related to industrial applications of significant performance coming from various customers. Presented by Lukasz Miroslaw (HPC Specialist, Microsoft)

Document Details

AuthorMichau. E
TypePresentation Recording
Date 27th October 2021
OrganisationNAFEMS UK Steering Committee


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