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Automotive Panel Discussion 3

This panel session was held at the 2021 NAFEMS World Congress

Discussion topics
Automotive 2
- Prototyping
– Valuable knowledge or misleading information? [Experience exchange – In which cases are prototypes less confident]
- Your product behaves differently
– What to do? [Management of varying results]
- Combination of known and unknown
- Artificial Intelligence in simulation with limited amount of training data

Automotive 3
- What does Virtual Simulation impact Automotive Mass Production. Product design, manufacturing efficiencies,…??
- How does system digital thread best used for vehicle performance simulation?
- What simulation methods are best used to model and drive automotive sensor operation and design?
- How to make CAE analysis for automotive development robust enough to eliminate physical testing?
- Incorporation of DFSS?
- Integration of AI/ML?
- Establishing a total System Engineering process through use of MBSE?
- Integration of simulation in both design and manufacturing space?

Automotive - Crash
Crash simulations are CPU intensive, what advances are needed to fasten the computation time?
With so much crash data available (test and CAE) is AI/Machine Learning a good alternative to reduce the computation time?
What are the major gaps in crash simulation technology that once in place will provide drastic reduction in physical testing?

Document Details

AuthorsFelice. M Dirschmid. W Stadler. S Pohl. T Noack. J
TypePresentation Recording
Date 28th October 2021
OrganisationsvirsolTech Engineering Consulting Stellantis ZF


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