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Comprehensive Comparison of Finite Element Analysis and Strain Measurement of Canister Components

Design of the canister is one of the most critical processes that prevent the missile from external factors during firing and pre-flight period without encountering any structural issues. These structural problems occur because of the internal pressure load, stacking load, braking load and lifting load. The canister is made of aluminum shell structure stiffened with rectangular ribs on the corners. The contact connection of the canister sub-components is manufactured with different methods, such as welding, rivet, bolt connection and press joining in the manufacturing process. In this study, the connection between the profiles in the corners and the sheets of the canister which were made by press joining method is analyzed as an alternative because press joining is faster than other joining methods. Most press joining processes can be performed in just under a few seconds. In comparison, other joining processes, such as welding, can take minutes or even hours to complete. Additionally, unlike other joining methods, press joining does not require any adhesives or liquids. Therefore, application of this method is this method is cleaner than the others. In the manufactured canister components the profiles and sheets were made of Aluminum 6061-T651 and the thin roving was made of Aluminum 1050-H111. The aim of using the thin roving in the design was to fill the gap between sheets and profiles, and to ensure the connection between the manufactured parts. During the manufacturing process, strain measurements were taken from certain points using rectangular strain gauges. The data obtained from strain measurements were compared with analysis done by using Finite Element Method (FEM). MSC Marc Software was used for the Finite Element Analysis (FEA). FEA model was created by two dimensional plane strain elements and the solution was made in an implicit way by using the Newton Raphson Solution Scheme (NRSS). Von Mises stress results obtained from the analysis and the strain test results were compared. Through this comparison, it is observed that the obtained the test results and finite element analysis results have good agreement with each other and press joining method might be evaluated as a strong alternative to in canister production.

Document Details

AuthorsGΓΆk. E Afsin Esi. M
Date 17th May 2023


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