For the development of efficient and economical car-body structures, high-performance lightweight materials such as continuous fiber-reinforced plastics (C-FRP) - especially in combination with quasi-isotropic materials such as metal or short/long fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP), manufactured by injection molding or compression molding - have gained in importance. However, the systematic construction and design of such hybrid components is extremely challenging. In the following work, a newly developed method for weight- and load-optimized design of hybrid components made of anisotropic and isotropic materials based on physical parameters is presented. The basis of this method is the analysis of the principal stresses applied in the component and its further processing to determine a weight-optimized structure between isotropic "base material" (metal or quasi-isotropic FRP) and load dependent reinforcement made of C-FRP. In the first step, the principal normal stresses of an FE model are used to determine the force flow tensors (force flow = stress*thickness) for each element of this FE model. Subsequently, neighboring elements with similar tensor directions are combined ("clustered") by means of a so-called cluster algorithm. Here, the importance of the tensors based on their force flow magnitude as well as an intelligent acceptable tolerance (angular deviation) are considered for suitable clusters. From this point on, the material combinations suggested by the user are considered for the new hybrid design. The user specifies the mechanical properties (Young's modulus, strength & density) as well as minimum and maximum material thicknesses (depending on the process and package space) for an isotropic base material and possible C-FRP. With these information the lightest possible material combination of isotropic base material and anisotropic reinforcements is then determined for the generated clusters, considering the most important boundary conditions. The results can be visualized using common post-processors such as Altair HyperView. The validation of this method was conducted on examples level. Furthermore, the method was used in the development of an roof cross member. In summary, this method offers the possibility to identify suitable components for the application of weight- and load-dependent hybrid components and to design them in the early stage of the product development process.
Reference | NWC23-0146-extendedabstract |
Authors | Stolz. L Fang. XF |
Language | English |
Type | Extended Abstract |
Date | 18th May 2023 |
Organisation | University of Siegen |
Region | Global |
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