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Development of Physics-based “Digital Twin” Platform for Process Industry Applications

Digital twins are at the peak of the “hype cycle” across a broad range of industries. While many organizations have successfully deployed large scale “data-driven” digital twins, physics-based digital twins have a unique advantage in cases where data is not available or is generally insufficient to develop a predictive digital twin. Physics-based digital twins can be used in conjunction with data-driven twins as a verification mechanism, especially in the early phase of development. We present our experience and perspective on developing such a Digital Twin platform which combines the use of sensor-driven inputs and physics-based simulations. Entire process of developing such a digital twin from developing objective definition, use cases, studying prospective user profiles, identifying the gaps between available methods and those needed for successful deployment in digital twin, along with the necessary IT aspects are discussed. Two use cases; one in the steel making industry and other in food and pharmaceutical industry are discussed. While the specific of applications and know-how is proprietary to the end users, general concept behind the development is discussed in the presentation. Development of such digital twins was possible due to the significant investments made by these organizations in deploying sensors in the manufacturing processes, developing modern simulation methods for the unit operations and to some extent COVID19 which forced industry to take a hard look at what can be done remotely or with minimum work force. Integration of the developed digital twin with existing IT backbone of the organization such as product life cycle management tools and enterprise resource management tools are also discussed. The data exchange is a two-way process, and it is very critical that all these internal functions are on-board before a single line of code is written. Information and data security plays a very important role to get the application certified for wider deployment. The digital twin platform was fundamentally conceived and developed as a cloud platform given the general direction of IT infrastructure within the manufacturing industry.

Document Details

AuthorsNatu. S Indrajit
Date 17th May 2023
OrganisationsCIMdata Jagtap


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