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How Do You Know if you are Executing the Right Simulations at the Right Time?

Analytical modeling and simulations are a part of most companies' product development process these days. Typically, there are a group of highly specialized CAE analysts that perform various physics-based simulations that consume significant budget resources, and time. If done correctly, the simulations are typically conducted early in the development phase in order to determine if a proposed solution will work under the desired boundary conditions. However, this may not be the case if your company is resource limited or directs most of the CAE resources to use simulations to assess post-test failures. Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) processes have been implemented within the product development process at various companies ever since the late 1990s. There are many benefits to implementing a MBSE strategy. Some of these benefits include understanding stakeholder needs, driving clarity on system requirements, developing system architecture, and understanding how verification of requirements will be conducted. Coupling the MBSE technical processes, such as requirement specifications, architecture definitions, and identification of the verification procedures, to the CAE work planning process provides guidance and direction to the analytical simulation workload. This in turn, enables each simulation effort to be focused and have a greater value to the project in which it is being conducted. The end goal with having the MBSE processes providing input to the simulation workload is that the simulation effort is focused on answering a specific question using the appropriate level of fidelity at each product development milestone. In this presentation, I will summarize the benefits of coupling the MBSE processes to a CAE request system within a product development company. I will describe what specific MBSE processes can be used as input to the CAE work planning, outlining how they can be coupled in a very practical manner. I will also talk about the iterative nature of these two engineering methods over the product development timeline. I will do this through an example of what this would look like within a product development process using a fictitious company that manufactures sprint karts.

Document Details

AuthorsGarstecki. G
Date 17th May 2023
OrganisationGarstecki Modeling Solutions, LLC


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