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MoSSEC – The Common Meta Language Supporting Digital Transformation

Digital transformations, digital threads, digital twins, the meta-verse. All of these are transitions to new ways of working inherently building upon the effective and seamless exchange of modelling data. The use of standards in achieving data interoperability is essential – MoSSEC is a key enabler in these developments, recording crucial metadata throughout the complete digital lifecycle with each creation, amendment, exchange and recall of M&S data. MoSSEC is the common meta language supporting effective M&S collaboration. The underlying purpose and context of modelling and simulation packages, is not conventionally evident to users that did not participate in the authoring process. MoSSEC is the ISO recognized definition and language for recording and sharing Modeling and Simulation metadata – enabling software solutions to digitally capture and share rationale, goals, assumptions, maturity levels, and limitations of their models in a common language, thus providing a contextual understanding for all stakeholders. But, how can this add value to your organization? What MoSSEC-compliant tools are available? How does MoSSEC complement an existing metadata ontology? Building upon INCOSE IW 2023, this presentation will discuss the latest MoSSEC tool implementations that meet specific key use cases such as PLM interoperability, model archive, reuse and model-based collaboration with suppliers. MoSSEC, in principle, is simple; but immensely powerful. This is a fundamental turning point in the way businesses communicate.

Document Details

AuthorsHall. K Carlos Mendo. J Taylor. J
TypePresentation Recording
Date 17th May 2023
OrganisationsAirbus Boeing


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