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Automatic Geometry-conforming Adaptive Meshing for Evolving Domain Problems

Evolving geometric domains appear in a variety of simulation problems including additive manufacturing, ballistics, fracture mechanics, shape optimization and computational fluid dynamics. The scale of problems often requires such simulations to be done on parallel computers, and the need for coupling geometry and mesh updates with the analysis via in-memory interfaces is paramount. For purposes of efficiency the evolving geometry and adaptive meshing procedures must be restricted to the changing areas of the domain, i.e. any geometry updates, mesh motion, modification and remeshing operations must be local. The solution must be automatically transferred locally and efficiently to the next iteration. Advanced geometry and meshing procedures were developed in Simmetrix' GeomSim, MeshSim and SimModeler products to address these issues in evolving domain problems. We will describe these methods and their use in a number of applications. The first application is multiphase ballistics simulations where burning propellant leads to the firing of a projectile from a cannon. This involves high pressures and temperatures, high speed flow through narrow gaps, shocks and evolving domains for propellant grain burn as well as projectile motion. Here a zero thickness, semistructured, "thin section" mesh was used to simulate sliding motion as a finned projectile moves along and exits a cannon fitted with a muzzle brake. This has the added benefit of obviating the need for topological changes in the geometric model. Shocks captured using feature detection algorithms in the analysis (PhaseChangePHASTA) were converted to a surface using voxel-based skeletonization procedures. Such a surface can be inserted as "overlay" geometry in the native CAD geometry and used to generate layered shock-fitted meshes for the next iteration. The second application is accelerator shape optimization. Previously, shape optimization routines in the analysis (ACE3P) required considerable manual set up for each change in geometry or design variables. This was avoided by tying design parameters directly to CAD geometry, providing a user interface as well as a script to adjust these design parameters, automatically and efficiently making local geometry and mesh updates, including modifications and local remeshing where necessary, to supply input for the next optimization iteration. This led to the successful completion of an efficient, user-friendly shape optimization loop. Other applications where evolving geometry and meshing procedures were used include additive manufacturing via selective laser melting, crack propagation during fracture mechanics, and nuclear fusion plasma simulations where physics based flux surfaces were inserted in tokamak and stellarator reactor geometries.

Document Details

AuthorsTendulkar. S Beall. M Nastasia. R Klaas. O Perry. J
TypeExtended Abstract
Date 18th May 2023


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