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Integrated Fatigue Evaluation for Riveting based on Neutral Algorithms

Traditional analytic approaches for fatigue evaluation of aircraft critical design features, such as riveted joints, requires detailed engineering assessment in order to: -Identify the critical locations -Generate a simplified conceptual model of the feature -Evaluate loads, stresses and stress concentration factors -Determine applicable fatigue design curves -Obtain the fatigue life under in-service load spectrum This process is usually supported by strong engineering experience and judgment to ensure a correct idealization, modelling and analysis of the design feature. For the design of a structural detail such as fastened joints in a new aircraft, the fatigue evaluation process needs to be done several thousand times to cover all the critical joints in the airframe, frequently under several design load loops. Therefore, process automation becomes a real need to align fatigue evaluation lead times with current aircraft design life cycle evolution. Conventional analytic approaches for fatigue analysis are highly linked to engineering judgment in their application and as due to that, it is quite complex to automatize. The engineering judgment and experience in fatigue cannot be easily transferred to software code. To overcome this limitation, a new fully integrated simulation approach is being developed in Airbus to cover the complete fatigue evaluation of riveted joints in an automatic process using Neutral Algorithms that can be systematically applied to aerospace structures. This approach combines: -Physics-based modelling by applying Finite Element simulation with embedded Continuum Damage Mechanics -Data-based modelling by applying Machine Learning Algorithms The paper will show different aspects of the mentioned approach, showing some applications and putting special focus on verification and validation aspects.

Document Details

AuthorsJosé Rebollo Rosa. M
Date 16th May 2023


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