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Template Supported Design Process for Wiper Applications to Predict Wipe Quality

Working to avoid laborious test setup for snow load and frozen lock load cases, Valeo implemented a simulation process that correlates with testing results. Motivation to perform these tests is to refine the electrical motor for reduced weight and optimized system behavior. The simulation process includes mechanical structure, motor, and motor controller. Added benefit of the simulated results is a wipe quality report for Valeo’s customers. Advancements were made existing Valeo simulation processes by moving from a kinematic solution to employ a dynamic multi-body simulation combining the mechanism with FE in Simcenter 3D Motion. Additional co-simulation with Matlab Simulink applies motor controller strategies to create a mechatronic system that includes the electrical motor torque and flexible components of the mechanical structure (linkage, arms, wiper blade). Valeo can run multiple scenarios using this template supported design process; snow loads and nominal wiping (wipe quality). Results of the simulations are optimized motor torque by tuning the mechanism kinematics, material properties and control strategies. The blade contact to the windshield is modeled as multiple contact elements and their results can displayed as a contour plot on the mechanism. Visual feedback of simulation results assists both Valeo design engineers and their customer of constraints in a design and possible areas of improvement. Benefits of a complete simulated lab design process are the reduction in the need for physical prototyping. By co-simulating the Simcenter 3D Motion mechanism and Matlab controls and post processing in one simulation tool, reporting time can be reduced by nearly 8hrs per design cycle. Creating a predictive modeling process increased credibility with Valeo customers and decreases turnaround time for customer requests or customer driven design alterations.

Document Details

AuthorsVerhoogen. J Joly. C
Date 18th May 2023
OrganisationsSiemens Digital Industries Software VALEO


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