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A Software Framework to Enable Automated ICME Workflows

It is well established that nearly 70% of product innovation relates back to the development of new materials or to the combination of existing materials in a new fashion. In specific use cases Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) and Materials Modelling have proved to be able to significantly speedup this process. However, despite the great promises and early successes, the adoption of ICME in industry is still limited. Recent reports identified data management, interoperability, integration of experimental and modelling data at various time and length-scales, and automated workflows as key enabling technologies for the realisation of ICME’s full potential. In this presentation, we will show how the seamless integration of a Materials Information management system and a powerful simulation orchestration platform can be used to enable ICME, alongside modelling and simulation tools, and domain appropriate materials and process data. We will demonstrate the key concepts and features of the framework by means of advanced end-to-end ICME multiscale workflows for estimating material behaviour for engineering products.

Document Details

AuthorsDi Stefano. D
TypeExtended Abstract
Date 17th May 2023


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