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A Novel Mortar Multiphysics Computational Method for Thermo-Fluid-Structure Interaction (TFSI) and Thermal Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication (TEHL)

There are numerous applications of thermo-fluid–structure interaction (TFSI) in engineering and nature, such as airbags, supersonic re-entry from space, hypersonic flight, gas turbines, rocket nozzles, heat exchangers, and quenching, just to name a few. Thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication (TEHL) represents a specific subfield of TFSI, where the involved fluid domain typically features a drastically reduced thickness in at least one spatial direction. Bearings and seals are two of the most prominent technical applications. The interaction of contacting structure surfaces separated by a thin fluid film – with or without thermal interaction - is generally of great importance in various engineering as well as biomechanical applications. In fact, according to about 23% (119 EJ) of the world’s total energy consumption originates from such so-called tribological contacts. Of those, ca. 20% (103 EJ) are required to overcome friction and 3% (16 EJ) to remanufacture worn parts and spare equipment due to wear and wear-related failures. As a consequence, improved designs, for instance, supported by advanced computational methods, will be instrumental in both enabling substantial energy savings and reducing CO2 emissions in the future. From a computational point of view, TFSI and TEHL are particularly complex problems, involving in general four fields to be adequately considered numerically: a fluid/lubrication field, a structural (or solid) field, and two temperature fields, one within the fluid/lubrication domain and one within the solid domain. Accordingly, there are four couplings or interactions, respectively: on the one hand, the fluid/lubrication–structure interaction (FSI) and the thermo–thermo interaction (TTI), which occur at the interface between fluid and solid domain as a surface coupling, and on the other hand, the thermo–fluid interaction (TFI) and the thermo–structure interaction (TSI), which occur within the respective domain as a volume coupling. Taking the ubiquitous multiphysical nature of technical systems or physical, chemical and biological processes, respectively, into account when simulating such problems is inevitable in most of the cases for truly reflecting their real-world features. For this purpose, it is typically both mandatory and challenging to consider all (nonlinear) effects of the individual fields as well as their mutual interactions. Only this way, it is ensured that one obtains reliable simulation results eventually. This is particularly true as soon as one approaches, for instance, the threshold range for dimensioning technical systems. In this presentation, we will propose an advanced computational method for predictive simulation capable of accurately and efficiently solving challenging large-scale multiphysics problems, as originally proposed in. Particularly important for successfully simulating coupled multiphysics applications is an adequate numerical consideration of the involved interfaces, both with respect to surface and volume couplings. For this purpose, surface and volume mortar methods are integrated in our computational method. Mortar methods have been proven to ensure a consistent load and motion transfer at non-conforming interfaces (i.e., interfaces without node-matching disretizations), where collocation methods typically fail. Thus, mortar methods represent a key component of the computational method for ensuring overall solution quality while enabling discretization flexibility. Results obtained with the proposed novel mortar multiphysics computational method for various challenging TFSI and TEHL applications as mentioned above will be shown in this presentation.

Document Details

AuthorsGravemeier. V
TypeExtended Abstract
Date 16th May 2023
OrganisationAdCo Engineering


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