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Finite Element on a Microcomputer

This paper on "Finite Element on a Microcomputer in Modular Form - FEMOD" was presented at the International Conference on Quality Assurance and Standards in Finite Element Analysis - 13-15 May 1987, The Grand Hotel, Brighton.


This program describes a simple finite element package FEMOD developed for use with the BBC microcomputer. It employs constant-strain triangular elements and is constructed in a modular form to utilise the limited memory available. It has been developed primarily as an educational package to introduce students to the data input and output facilities provided in larger industrial packages. Input is menu based and interactive providing a choice of methods of mesh generation and specifying materials: body forces and boundary conditions. Output appears as listings and plots of the mesh with element and node numbers, materials and thickness properties, boundary conditions, displaced shape and stresses, all with hard-copy options for presentation purposes.

Document Details

AuthorAlford. G
Date 15th May 1987
OrganisationTeesside Polytechnic


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