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Laying the Foundations for Quality Assurance During Early Educational Courses in the Finite Element Method

This paper on "Laying the Foundations for Quality Assurance During Early Educational Courses in the Finite Element Method" was presented at the International Conference on Quality Assurance and Standards in Finite Element Analysis - 13-15 May 1987, The Grand Hotel, Brighton.


Successful, good quality applications of the finite element method to a variety of problems start with an education in the basis of the method and much practice in modeling. The ready availability of both computers and software has increased the importance of introducing quality assurance appreciation in the educational courses. Such quality assurance is achieved by an appropriate integration of theoretical, experimental and numerical studies using simple undergraduate structures or components.
Structures such as the curved beam have a Strength of Materials and an Elasticity theoretical solution, as well as photoelastic and strain gauge experimental solutions. A variety of mesh idealisations and loading models are considered and compared with accepted results. The availability of timesharing and personal computers with interactive software allows much "hands-on" experience to be gained in a short time. Structures such as the uniformly thin circular plate and a U shaped member, strengthen the experience, and establish a strong foundation for more advanced finite element analyses.

Document Details

AuthorMackney. M
Date 15th May 1987
OrganisationU.S. Naval Academy


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