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Quality Assurance Procedures Applied to Large Scale Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Offshore Structures

This paper on "Quality Assurance Procedures Applied to Large Scale Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Offshore Structures" was presented at the International Conference on Quality Assurance and Standards in Finite Element Analysis - 13-15 May 1987, The Grand Hotel, Brighton.


This paper describes the application of industry standard Quality Assurance Procedures to the large scale finite element analysis of concrete offshore structures.
After more than a decade of involvement with analysis of North Sea oil production platforms using their own finite element systems SESAM-69 and SESAM'8O, Veritec have developed a project specific Quality Assurance Plan for large analyses. The Plan, when implemented, is intended to ensure that the finite element analysis satisfies accuracy, cost, and completion date requirements.
The basis of the QA Plan is presented, together with a detail outline of its structure and objectives, project organisation, procedures, documentation, and the important quality control function of internal verification.
Before looking at implementation of the Plan by way of a case history, an insight into the use of SESAM for large scale finite element analysis is given. This includes an explanation of the superelement technique together with its advantages, and a look at the architecture and database structure of SESAM.
The case history, a concept study of a platform for the Norwegian Gullfaks Field illustrates the application of a project QA Plan, and includes some details of the analysis itself together with the QA procedures which were used.

Document Details

AuthorWinder. R
Date 15th May 1987
OrganisationVERITEC LTD


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