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Reliability and Quality Assurance Procedures Used in the LUSAS Finite Element System

This paper on "Reliability and Quality Assurance Procedures Used in the LUSAS Finite Element System" was presented at the International Conference on Quality Assurance and Standards in Finite Element Analysis - 13-15 May 1987, The Grand Hotel, Brighton.


Reliability and hence Quality Assurance are identified as major areas of concern for finite element users. The paper identifies two ways in which the developers of Finite Element Systems can improve the reliability of the results provided by their software. Firstly by adopting Quality Assurance methods in development and coding work and secondly by providing good assistance to their end users. The paper considers how these are implemented with the LUSAS Finite Element System.
The paper concludes that although it is unlikely that developers will ever be able to guarantee one hundred per-cent reliability in a technological environment which is subject to constant change, steps can be taken to maximise reliability. As Quality Assurance methods and documentation are refined by experience, the reliability of results will improve.

Document Details

AuthorsLyons. P Holsgrove. S
Date 15th May 1987
OrganisationFEA LTD


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