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UNCLE' as a Modelling Tool That Leads to Good Modelling

This paper on "'UNCLE' as a Modelling Tool That Leads to Good Modelling" was presented at the International Conference on Quality Assurance and Standards in Finite Element Analysis - 13-15 May 1987, The Grand Hotel, Brighton.


The hierarchical structure of elements, cells and arrays which forms the basis of the UNCLE finite-element system not only provides a very easy-to-use mesh generation facility, but actually guides the user into a way of thinking about finite-element meshing that promotes the generation of good finite-element models in both 2 and 3 dimensions. It also makes it very easy to experiment with models when investigating the accuracy of finite-element results.
The importance of the facility to transfer geometrical data direct from design databases to UNCLE without the intervention of hard copy drawings is also stressed.

Document Details

AuthorsCollier. W Enderby. J
Date 15th May 1987
OrganisationUK Atomic Energy Authority


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