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3D Linear Static Tests for Beams, Plates and Shells, Proposed by French Committee VPCS

This paper on "3D Linear Static Tests for Beams, Plates and Shells, Proposed by French Committee VPCS" was presented at the International Conference on Quality Assurance and Standards in Finite Element Analysis - 22-25 May 1989, Stratford-upon-Avon, England.


The use of Finite Elements Software in industrial environment requires more attention on quality and reliability of the provided "results". It is known that the quality of the results depends mainly upon the quality of software and the modelization.
The validation and qualification of FE software are one of the task that the software companies should provide to the user assuring the reliability of the results. The major software companies have their own validation tests which do not satisfy the users demands in some applications.
The V.P.C.S. Committee (Validation de Progiciels de Calcul de Structure) has been organized by S.F.M. (Société Française des Mécaniciens) in order to provide a handbook for the validation of structural analysis software.
These tests shall be used by the software companies to verify their software functions and reliability and by the users who need the qualification of the software, required in their own Q.A procedure.
This paper presents the results of one the V.P.C.S. group who is in charge of preparation of tests for linear static analysis of Beams, Plates and Shells. The motivation, the criteria used for choice of the tests are discussed and some tests and results are presented.

Document Details

AuthorsAfzali. M Millard Cantounat Billaud. J
Date 22nd May 1989


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