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On the Validation of Finite Element Programs for Analysis Conduction Heat Transfer

This paper on "On the Validation of Finite Element Programs for Analysis Conduction Heat Transfer" was presented at the International Conference on Quality Assurance and Standards in Finite Element Analysis - 22-25 May 1989, Stratford-upon-Avon, England.


The NAFEMS thermal analysis benchmarks T2, T3 and T4, published in FEBSTA REV 1 (1) have been reviewed and critically evaluated for their ability, or lack of it, to fairly test Finite Element based thermal analysis programs. Test T1 has not been included in this review as it is essentially a stress analysis problem.
The 2-D Heat Transfer Program HT2 developed at Swansea, has been used to run all the tests. Results from HT2 have been compared to those from some commercial packages, published in reference (2).

Document Details

AuthorsLewis. R Usmani. A Huang. H Tran. D Tadayon. M
Date 22nd May 1989
OrganisationUniversity College of Swansea


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