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Theoretical and Experimental Benchmark Problems for F.E.M. Analysis of Non-Linear 3-D Slender Structures

This paper on "Theoretical and Experimental Benchmark Problems for F.E.M. Analysis of Non-Linear 3-D Slender Structures" was presented at the International Conference on Quality Assurance and Standards in Finite Element Analysis - 22-25 May 1989, Stratford-upon-Avon, England.


The paper presents some results of the work performed for testing the non-linear capabilities of the finite element computer code PUCK-2, developed by CISE under the aegis of ENEL-CRIS. The computer code PUCK-2 is a classical finite element code for static and dynamic linear and non-linear analyses of three-dimensional slender structures.
The analyses performed can take into account both geometrical and material non-linearities; moreover, the code allows the classical linear buckling analysis to be made.
The validation program has been carried out using three kinds of benchmark problems. The first includes simple problems with analytical solutions. The second concerns quite simple but realistic analyses, for which the comparison must be accomplished with the results of other computer codes, reported in literature. Finally, the third consists of experimental tests, taken from literature or carried out at ISMES to validate PUCK-2.
The present paper does not pretend to provide a complete and exhaustive collection of benchmark problems for testing a non-linear structural computer code, but it is aimed at presenting numerical and experimental results which can both help to improve the reliability of F.E.M. codes and be a good training for a not specialised user in industry.

Document Details

AuthorMasarati. P
Date 22nd May 1989
OrganisationCISE Tecnologie Innovative SpA


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