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NAFEMS Three-Dimensional Test Cases in Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics

This paper on "NAFEMS Three-Dimensional Test Cases in Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics" was presented at the 3rd International Conference on Quality Assurance and Standards in Finite Element Analysis - 10-12 September 1991, Stratford-upon-Avon, England.


A series of well defined test cases have been carried out for the NAFEMS Fracture Mechanics Working Group to provide checks on the ability of finite element programs to produce accurate solutions to specific three-dimensional fracture problems. Both the ABAQUS and BERSAFE finite element codes were used for this work.
Linear elastic analyses of a centre cracked plate under tension were carried out to quantitatively evaluate mesh convergence requirements and various methods of parameter evaluation. The methods developed in this part of the work were then applied to curved crack geometries, which included embedded and surface cracks in plates and cylinders.
The paper seeks to give an insight into the approach adopted when developing the test cases. Details of the results are not presented; these are currently being reported and will be available as a NAFEMS report.

Document Details

AuthorsJudge. R Marsden. B
Date 10th October 1991
OrganisationAEA Technology


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