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The Development of a Compendium of Projects and Assignments in Finite Element Analysis

This paper on "The Development of a Compendium of Projects and Assignments in Finite Element Analysis" was presented at the 3rd International Conference on Quality Assurance and Standards in Finite Element Analysis - 10-12 September 1991, Stratford-upon-Avon, England.


A framework for the development of a compendium of finite element coursework, for use in undergraduate engineering courses, is presented. A proforma structure for individual coursework is provided and a typical assignment is discussed. It is proposed that this framework forms the basis of a databank of resource material, covering many aspects of engineering, including the important area of design.
As a result of developments in technology, a reappraisal of the way certain subjects in engineering is taught and what is covered, is called for.

Document Details

AuthorWood. J
Date 10th October 1991
OrganisationPaisley College


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