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An Integrated Analysis Environment Based on Standards

This paper on "An Integrated Analysis Environment Based on Standards" was presented at the 3rd International Conference on Quality Assurance and Standards in Finite Element Analysis - 10-12 September 1991, Stratford-upon-Avon, England.


An approach to create an integrated analysis environment is presented. The objective is to enable efficient product development, where the engineers could concentrate on engineering problems and solutions rather than computer intricacies.
The paper is divided into three parts:

  • A brief description of aircraft structural analysis. The requirements on the analysis environment are emphasized.
  • A presentation of the information modelling approach used. A strategy for the development of an easier maintained information flow within a project is presented.
  • The lntSyS project. IntSyS is a development project in cooperation between Saab Scania AB and Veritas Research A/S, with the objective to create a framework for an integrated analysis environment

It is shown that the analysis environment could be significantly improved and simplified by implementation of the used information modelling approach. To obtain a reasonable implementation and maintenance effort, it is necessary to extensively adapt available and coming standards.

Document Details

AuthorsHolmberg. G Sjöström. L
Date 10th October 1991


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