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Experimental Validation of FE Models for Modal Analysis of a Full-Scale Prestressed Concrete Floor Structure

This paper on "Experimental Validation of FE Models for Modal Analysis of a Full-Scale Prestressed Concrete Floor Structure" was presented at the 5th International Conference on Reliability of Finite Element Methods for Engineering Applications - 10-12 May 1995, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


The reliability of the linear dynamic finite element (FE) modelling of a large concrete floor structure has been assessed using the rare procedure of modal testing the prototype building which was in normal use and in open space. It has been confirmed that a reliable dynamic FE model for concrete floors requires use of significantly higher values for Young's modulus of elasticity than those given in the current design codes for concrete structures. Accurate modelling of connections between the precast concrete elements which have been made continuous afterwards is also shown to be important. A pilot FE analysis performed before the field tests on the structure is strongly recommended.

Document Details

AuthorsPavic. A Crouch. R Waldron. P
Date 10th May 1995
OrganisationUniversity of Sheffield


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