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A Strategy for the Vibrational Analysis of Electronic Packaging

This paper on "A Strategy for the Vibrational Analysis of Electronic Packaging" was presented at the 5th International Conference on Reliability of Finite Element Methods for Engineering Applications - 10-12 May 1995, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


This paper proposes a systematic approach to the vibrational analysis of electronic packaging. An overview of the topic is presented discussing its importance, the problems associated with analysis, and how the overall system can be considered on three basic levels of complexity. Two case studies are used to establish the areas of greatest vulnerability to vibrational damage. The first involves the analysis of a control system used for acoustic holography applications. The second is a full authority digital electronic controller employed in a commercial airliner. The results obtained are compared and discussed in relation to the proposed strategy and to further research in the field.

Document Details

AuthorsHaslett. C Lees. A
Date 10th May 1995
OrganisationDe Montfort University


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