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Modelling Composite Structural Failure by Finite Elements

This paper on "Modelling Composite Structural Failure by Finite Elements" was presented at the 5th International Conference on Reliability of Finite Element Methods for Engineering Applications - 10-12 May 1995, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


This paper addresses the prediction of failure in laminated composite structures, when the failure is due to through-thickness interlaminar or intercomponent stresses. It is shown that a local-global strategy may be necessary using two solution passes. The issue of how to start failure, based on strength or fracture toughness, is examined for a large variety of problems coming from separate research programmes.

Document Details

AuthorsDavies. G Stevens. K Robinson. P Specht. S Robson. J Andre. S
Date 10th May 1995
OrganisationImperial College London


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