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Modelling of Dynamically Loaded Supportive Soil

This paper on "Modelling of Dynamically Loaded Supportive Soil" was presented at the NAFEMS World Congress on Design, Simulation & Optimisation: Reliability & Applicability of Computational Methods - 9-11 April 1997, Stuttgart, Germany.


Theoretical modelling of soils to date has concentrated on behaviour under quasi-static and cyclic loading conditions, based on data from standard tests. Inclusion of soil response under impact loading is needed to calibrate these models, in order to reproduce a wider range of soil behaviour. A reproducible laboratory test which may used for this purpose is outlined in this paper, consisting of a plate impacting the surface of a bed of cohesionless soil.
The results presented in this paper include the accelerometer readings at the point of impact and at locations within the sand bed. Finite element results using both elastic and non-linear models are also presented. The model performance is assessed, and follow up reproducible tests are conducted, which may be used as a standard for realistic model calibration. The ultimate aim of the ongoing research programme is to use the finite element model in a predictive capacity.

Document Details

AuthorsFarrell. J Famiyesin. O Rodger. A
Date 9th April 1997
OrganisationUniversity of Aberdeen


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