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Hydromechanical Coupling and Strain Localisation

This paper on "Hydromechanical Coupling and Strain Localisation" was presented at the NAFEMS World Congress on Design, Simulation & Optimisation: Reliability & Applicability of Computational Methods - 9-11 April 1997, Stuttgart, Germany.


This paper is devoted to the numerical modelling of the strain localisation in a water saturated sample of soil, using a large strain finite element code. First the large strain solid mechanics equations arc recalled. An internal friction constitutive law is used. Then the coupling with a pore fluid is considered, and the linkages between the seepage and the soil strain and stress evolution is taken in account through an effective stress postulate and an adaptation of the storage law. Coupled finite elements are developed. Unsaturated media are considered using the Bishop formulation and an adaptation of the seepage model. Finally the developed finite element code is applied to the modelling of the plane strain compression of some sample differing by the pore fluid state. Drained case, undrained fully saturated and undrained partly saturated cases are considered. Two soils, differing by their permeability, are modelled, in order to analyse the seepage effect on the strain localisation availability.

Document Details

AuthorsCharlier. R Radu. J
Date 9th April 1997
OrganisationUniversity of Liège


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