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The Future Development of Cosmos/m

This paper on "The Future Development of Cosmos/m" was presented at the NAFEMS World Congress on Design, Simulation & Optimisation: Reliability & Applicability of Computational Methods - 9-11 April 1997, Stuttgart, Germany.


Cosmos/m is a widely used general purpose finite element code, written by the Structural Research and Analysis Corporation, of Los Angeles CA. One of the pioneering PC codes, Cosmos/m has achieved high standards in meshing technology and fast solver implementation.
CAD integration is seen as the most important area of program development, and the widespread use of standard kernels helps greatly in this process. Fast solver technology will revolutionise not only CAD integration but also the way in which analysis projects are undertaken. This development is essential as changes in the engineering world require analysis to be undertaken more widely and in reduced timescales.

Document Details

AuthorMarks. L
Date 9th April 1997


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