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Food-Can Design in a Virtual World

This paper on "Food-Can Design in a Virtual World" was presented at the NAFEMS World Congress on Effective Engineering Analysis - 25-28 April 1999, Newport, Rhode Island, USA.


A team comprising British Steel Tinplate (BST) and Rockfield Software Ltd. has developed a finite element (FE) can design and optimisation suite. Using the 'Finite Element Modelling Suite for Can Optimisation' (FEMSCO) the entire can-making process, from bead-forming to design validation, may be simulated. Novel finite element techniques have been employed to enable the modelling of these processes. The suite comprises:
The bead-profile design tool: The bead-forming operation is simulated using a 2D axisymmetric model. The analysis considers friction in the forming operation and the extent to which spring-back modifies the final can profile. The resulting bead design may then be assessed using the axial crush and panel test simulator.
The axial crush and panel test simulator: After bead-forming a 3D simulation of the axial crush and panel test is automatically generated. The analyses accurately predict the critical load and post-buckle geometry.
The reliability of the models has been established through a validation programme conducted at BST. The simulations are sensitive to mine variations in geometry, material properties and loading conditions. They are capable of accurate quantitative assessments of the effects of varying such factors and, as such, are invaluable aids in can design and optimisation. FEMSCO is currently being used to carry out optimisation tasks for customers of BST.

Document Details

AuthorsJones. I Owen. D Jones. D Crook. A Liu. G
Date 25th April 1999
OrganisationsBritish Steel Tinplate University of Wales Rockfield Software LTD


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