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Generation of Input Forcing Functions Using Operating Data and System Transfer Relations

This paper on "Generation of Input Forcing Functions Using Operating Data and System Transfer Relations" was presented at the NAFEMS World Congress on Effective Engineering Analysis - 25-28 April 1999, Newport, Rhode Island, USA.


For many applications, the identification of the actual dynamic loading conditions is difficult to describe at best. Often, approximations are made to estimate the forces applied to the system with no good mechanism for determining the adequacy of the applied force. The force description is critical to the actual prediction of the response of the system. One application of interest is the force due to operating conditions for computer equipment. Another is the force resulting from the accidental fall of computer equipment during shipping and handling. These forces are very difficult to estimate and model.
A force estimation approach is presented which utilizes the measured operating response of the system along with the system transfer relations obtained from the finite element model of the system. The estimation of the force is presented for a computer cabinet. Comparisons are made for cases where the actual force was measured for reference and compared to the predicted force.

Document Details

AuthorsAvitabile. P Lown. K
Date 25th April 1999
OrganisationsUniversity of Massachusetts Lowell Sun Microsystems


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