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A Proposal for Taking into Consideration Anisotropic Properties of Thin-Walled Metal Tubes in FEM: Results of Experimental and Numerical Investigations Instanced for Hydroforming

This paper on "A Proposal for Taking into Consideration Anisotropic Properties of Thin-Walled Metal Tubes in FEM: Results of Experimental and Numerical Investigations Instanced for Hydroforming" was presented at the NAFEMS World Congress on Effective Engineering Analysis - 25-28 April 1999, Newport, Rhode Island, USA.


An approach of numerical consideration of anisotropical effects within sheet metal forming, based on iterative use of isotropic models, will be presented and demonstrated for hydroforming processes. The method is alternatively useful if the real isotropic description is not liable. This case could occur if anisotropic material behaviour is not implemented in the FEM-code (for instance, within certain plain-sheet-metal-special-purpose-programs) or if an implementation should be screened. Another important application consists of the deformation simulation of thin-walled structures with initial distorted element-orientation, because of the complex geometry of the body (for instance, tube-like pieces). The comparison of both experimental and numerical properties like deformation (geometry) and vibration (hardening) are performed with the help of the code Cada-X and shown in detail by MARC.

Document Details

AuthorsPetzold. W Eichhorn. A Motsch. S
Date 25th April 1999
OrganisationUniversity of Magdeburg


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