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The Application of Finite Element Analysis to the Processing of Soft Solids

This paper on "The Application of Finite Element Analysis to the Processing of Soft Solids" was presented at the NAFEMS World Congress on Effective Engineering Analysis - 25-28 April 1999, Newport, Rhode Island, USA.


Soft solids are an important generic material class which are encountered in a wide range of commercially important processing industries. However, the application of computer simulation techniques for the design and optimisation of the manufacturing operations, which involve extensive mechanical deformations, has not been explored to the extent that has long been common in the metalworking industries. Here, the finite element method is applied to ram extrusion through an angled die and to the case of twin-roll sheet formation. This involved the use of a Lagrangian solid formulation and adaptive meshing. The numerical results were consistent with experimental data generated using a modelling clay.

Document Details

AuthorsAdams. M Watson. S Aydin. I Briscoe. B Lawrence. C
Date 25th April 1999
OrganisationsUnilevel Research Port Sunlight Imperial College London


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