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Model-Based System Design and Simulation for Elevator Systems Engineering

This paper was produced for the 2019 NAFEMS World Congress in Quebec Canada

Resource Abstract

Model-based Engineering (MBE) is a term describing engineering activities throughout the whole product lifecycle based on a common model. It is a standardized, sustainable state-of-the-art way of working including processes, methodology, tools and – of course – models and data. MBE empowers integrated, coordinated models to enhance the work of all involved disciplines for systems, subsystems and components covering the whole product creation cycle. Benefits of models are their computer-readability and associativity in order to guarantee data continuity for the digital thread for Model-based Engineering and Enterprises.

Elevators are the enablers of vertical transportation and traffic management through tall buildings. They are mission-critical elements needed to keep the people and material flow into and within urban habitats. Therefore, a flawless operation is the minimal requirement to be fulfilled. On the other side, there are several differentiating elements related to the performance achieved by vertical transportation. Elevators should serve a call in as little time as possible, with a maximum of ride quality and thereby consume as little energy as possible. These high demands are typically not independent, and often contradictory, which renders their optimization a complex task. These different aspects are often separately and singularly optimized, depending on specific customer requirements.

The Schindler Elevator Group recognizes the benefits of MBE and actively drives its introduction in the development process and beyond. Mainly two drivers are responsible for this strategy: quality assurance in the face of an immense number of variants based on product line engineering and efficient development in terms of time-to-market, cost and reliability in the face of a competitive environment. By introducing MBE at Schindler, a new way of working has been addressed in order to focus on Systems Thinking and the overall Elevator System first and not to build an Elevator bottom up from selected and tested components. Hence, Model-based System Design, Simulation and Integration is key. While today, the focus is mostly on components and on facilitating developments tests and assuring appropriateness of concepts, MBE unfolds its full potential when it encompassed the whole product life cycle from market analysis to phase-out. The goal of MBE at Schindler is to establish a continuous data flow in a consistent manner including data continuity for the digital thread from the very beginning starting with Requirements Engineering via System Design, Simulation, Integration and Installation will become reality for Elevator Systems Engineering.

The focus of this paper is on Schindler’s MBE approach towards a multi-domain full-system model. It describes its principles, the way it is set up and how it is applied in the design, development and testing of elevator system and its subsystems and components.

Document Details

AuthorKleiner. S
Date 18th June 2019
Organisation:em engineering


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