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Strength Reduction Technique with Finite Element Method for Slopes Without Stabilisation Measures

The NAFEMS Geotechnical Working Group are currently developing guidance material on how to analyse slope stability problems.

The working group will be publishing a collection of papers on this topic that have been scoped and peer reviewed by the working group.

The first of these papers, titled "Strength Reduction Technique with Finite Element Method for Slopes Without Stabilisation Measures" was authored by Helmut F. Schweiger of the Graz University of Technology.


Although limit equilibrium analyses currently dominate in practical geotechnical engineering to obtain factors of safety of natural and cut slopes, the finite element method is increasingly being used to calculate ultimate limit states and consequently factors of safety, usually by means of the so-called “strength reduction” technique. In many cases results obtained from the strength reduction approach are comparable to the those obtained with limit equilibrium methods, but in some cases significant differences are observed. By comparison with rigorous limit analyses, it is at first demonstrated that the strength reduction method is a reliable method for analysing failure of slopes. Secondly, it is shown that finite element analyses are superior to limit equilibrium analyses in assessing ultimate limit state conditions. Finally some guidelines for performing strength reduction analyses are given and the scope of application is defined. Possible numerical difficulties are also briefly addressed.

Document Details

AuthorSchweiger. H
Date 16th March 2020
OrganisationTechnical University Graz


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